

Opyl prepares to launch Opin into the global $4.7 billion clinical trial recruitment market

Opyl’s flagship platform Opin is ready to be launched internationally, while Trial Key is set to be a game changer in clinical trial design.

“Opyl has delivered a solid FY22, with annual revenue notching up a double digit growth to $0.9m, underpinned by its flagship Opin, a global digital clinical trial recruitment platform.”

“The significant tech investment made by Opyl during the year in the platform has further delivered significant exponential value – allowing the company to be in a position to scale in APAC and US within the coming year.”

“Trial Key is positioned to augment and significantly improve on the current laborious, expensive, time consuming and often biased human-driven trial and study design process.”

“Trial Key applies artificial intelligence (machine learning) and a data analysis approach to improving clinical trial design.”

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